Let's talk about...


the woman you are


the woman you are


born to be.

the woman you were

Meet Jackie McDonald

Inviting you to do things differently. 

As an entrepreneur, somatic business mentor, EFT tapping coach and founder of Tapping School, my entire life revolves around helping women build emotional and financial freedom in their businesses and their lives. Because, when it comes to building your legacy, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. I help women release their fears of wanting it all and fully embrace their unique magic by teaching them to trust their body and show up for themselves in a way that completely aligns with their deepest desires.

Long story short? I am here to help you create unimaginable results in unconventional ways.



Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. Creating unimaginable results in unconventional ways. 

Become A Wildly Wealthy Woman
with EFT Tapping

How would you finish this sentence?
"The Woman I am becoming is..."
Unstoppable, happy, healthy, a wildly wealthy woman.

Our philosophy

The past unlocks the future. 
Traditionally, EFT Tapping is known as a trauma healing modality.
Inside of Tapping School we teach you the core foundations of EFT combined with Manifestation Techniques. We show you how to use this incredible healing modality to not only heal the past but attract what you want now and in the future.

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We welcome the Unconventional Woman in our space

If you are someone with a big heart and an even bigger vision, you've landed in the right place. We believe in doing things differently whether it's healing your body, building a business, or raising your babies. We believe in your trusting your intuition, leading yourself first, and being unapologetic about your desire. 
Welcome, Unconventional Woman! 
You're going to love it here.

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This is your time...

To Tap into the next level and unlock the next level of your life! Ready? Let's do this! 

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August 24, 2024

Move From Lack to Abundance

Own Your Authority

August 21, 2024

Making Your Dreams Happen

August 21, 2024

Turn Your Modality Into A Movement

August 19, 2024


A new level awaits.

You are a leader. You are an innovator. You are a self-led woman committed to living your life on purpose. 

You know you already have everything inside of you to succeed but you are always looking for ways to get you and your clients faster results.

EFT is so much more than just a self-help tool. It is leading edge technique that will open to a world of new opportunities for you, your clients, and your business.  

Become A Certified Tapping Practitioner


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Why High-Achieving Women Are Turning To Tapping For Stress Relief

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How Tapping Can Help You Grow Your Audience to 100,000+ Followers

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When it’s time to let go of what once worked & it’s time to build something new.